Small Business

“It’s the economy, stupid.” In our community, small businesses are a big driver of our economy. Small businesses are key to the success of Wyoming.

Small businesses thrive when there are less regulation pitfalls, whether it be via: taxes, restrictions on the ability to produce, changing and voluminous rules, or expanded requirements for insurance, paid leave or unemployment taxes. Our entrepreneurs need to be given the rein to succeed.

Small businesses are highly affected by government action. Nothing could be more obvious than what we have experienced this year with mandatory shutdowns of some small businesses in our community (and statewide, as well as nationally).
I pledge to work with our local businesses, and for those statewide, in ensuring that Wyoming government is an ally for our small businessman, and not a hindrance. Further, there will be work that needs done in repairing damage done from the devastation of COVID-19, and the subsequent choices made. I will be there, working diligently, on behalf of Riverton and Wyoming businesses in the days to come.