There is a fundamental difference in ideology of the role of government, within our country and throughout the world. The great promise of the United States, extended to every citizen, is one of opportunity. We live in the greatest country in the world, and that is because our Founding Fathers set up a system whereby hard work and effort will be rewarded. It is a promise that the government will get out of the way, and allow the citizens to pursue their own course. We should be able to keep the fruits of our labor.
Today, we are seeing a strong surge in a belief that the government should be a controlling factor in our lives. A belief that government should dictate our standards of living. It is a dangerous one. Systems around the world and throughout history have shown, and continue to show, the destruction of human freedom, liberty and quality of life when the big hand of government inserts itself. As always, the words of Thomas Jefferson ring true: “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.”
We are lucky to live in Wyoming. We are a proud people. There is that strong belief in hard work and freedom. We have a culture that fosters an independent spirit and a work ethic. In this world that is becoming more global, we must work to maintain our belief in the promise of opportunity.
Let me know if you have any questions.
The community of Riverton has come together to address very serious concerns regarding health care in our town. In some ways, it is a testament to the very real sense…
Riverton has had some of the strongest and lengthiest service from both of our Riverton legislators. Eli Bebout and Dave Miller have a combined 48 years of service to our State. Those are big shoes to fill.
Ogden Driskill is a sixth generation Wyoming rancher. I am honored to call him a friend, and to have him endorse me for the Wyoming House of Representatives.
Agriculture, and our local producers, are suffering from onerous federal regulations on our food production. This has been true for some time. Right now, the consumers are seeing the effect of that.
I work hard for the people of Riverton. I am proud of that. Criminal cases take a breadth of knowledge and in-depth work with detectives, crime labs and a variety of agencies regarding evidence collection.